Cookie Policy

Please read the entire cookie policy carefully before using the application, by using or registering on the website, you express your agreement to the agreement to the terms of this cookie policy.

Last updated: August 25, 2025


By accessing or using the Cliqbox Services, Customer (“you”) consents to the placement of cookies on his/her devices as described in the Cliqbox Privacy Policy. If you prefer not to receive cookies through our Services, you may control how your browser responds to cookie by adjusting the “Privacy and/or “Security Settings” of your web browser. “Cookies” in this Cookie Policy refer to website cookies and other similar technologies that may collect information when you visit the Cliqbox website. First Party Cookie: this is a cookie set by a website or a domain visited by a Customer. Third Party Cookie: this is a cookie set by a website or domain other than the one visited by the Customer. Cliqbox permits certain third parties to place cookies through its Services to provide Customers with the best browsing experience on its website and gives insight on how to further improve its services. Where we have been notified and consent to its usage, third-party service providers may place cookies on our Services for analytical or marketing purposes. Take note that, Cliqbox has no control over the use of such third- party cookies or the resulting information and it will not be held liable for any actions or policies of such third parties. Certain types of cookies were also adopted in a bid to allow Customer efficiently navigate between different pages of the Cliqbox website, remember preferences and past actions.


Cookies are small text files which are stored on a Customer’s computer or device. Where a Customer consents to the use of cookies, a modest amount of data specific to the Customer’s device is stored on the website and this allows the site to recognise the Customer’s connected application device and store some information about his/her preference or previous actions in other to have an improved experience while using the website and subsequent visits to the website. The Cliqbox Services employs the use of the following cookies:

  1. First Party Cookies
  2. Third Party Cookies


  1. In order to use our Services and Products on the Cliqbox website, Customer shall be required to create an account. During the account creation process, a customer will be required to provide necessary information for registration. These includes full name, date of birth, mobile number, gender, contact address, state of residence, bank account data, email address, etc. All information submitted must be accurate and reflect current status. For additional information, we refer you to our Privacy Policy.
  2. Strictly Necessary Cookies.
  3. Functional Cookies
  4. Analytical Cookies
  5. Session Cookies
  6. Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of the Cliqbox Services. They include cookies that enable Customer access and use our website but also deliver content that works on Customer’s device. Without these cookies, restrictions will be placed on certain services on our website and if a Customer decides to opt-out from those cookies, certain parts of our Services will not work correctly or may not work at all.
  7. Functional Cookies: These cookies enable the features of the Cliqbox website. It recognises when a Customer returns to our website and remembers the choices made by the Customer. This enables Cliqbox personalise its content for Customers and remember their preferences (for example, login details upon return to the website, sound preferences etc). Note that without these cookies, a Customer will still be able to use the Cliqbox Services but his/her experience may not be as great as it should be and he/she may not get the best of our Services.
  8. Analytical Cookies: These types of cookies allow Cliqbox recognise, count the number of visitors and to monitor how visitors move around its website during use. This helps us improve the way our website works by ensuring that Customers find what they are searching for easily. Without these cookies, Customers can still use and enjoy all the features of our Services. These cookies are also used by Cliqbox to monitor and analyse the ongoing performance of its website. Sometimes, these cookies are being set by third party providers on our behalf; however, we make sure that such Third-Party Provider ensures the strictest measure of confidentiality with this information. This information is completely anonymous which means that a Third-Party Provider is unaware of our Customer’s Identication other than a number.
  9. Session Cookies: Session cookies are temporary cookies used to keep a Customer logged onto the website in order to avoid having to login on every visit to the website. These cookies help Cliqbox perform various tasks such as allowing its website track Customers across multiple pages on the site, it aids website security and basic functionality. However, it is pertinent to note that these cookies only last for the duration of a Customer’s visit. If a Customer blocks these cookies, Cliqbox cannot guarantee the use or security of its website during such visit.


Browser web storage enables websites to store data in a browser on a device. This technology is similar to cookies, stores only non-sensitive data but has a greater storage limit. When web storage is used in "local storage" mode, it enables data to be stored across sessions (data are retrievable even after the browser window has been closed and reopened). An example of a technology that facilitates web storage and local storage is HTML5.

  1. 2.1 Properties Stored in Local Storage: Cliqbox uses Functionality Properties for local storage. These properties recognise when a Customer revisits our website and remember the choices made by the Customer, such as selection of his/her favourite pages or whether he/she has enabled notifications. This allows Cliqbox personalise its content for Customers and remembers their preferences. Without these properties, a Customer may experience difficulty in using the Cliqbox Website and may not get the best out of our Services. Relevant contents may also be hard to come by.
  2. 2.2 How To Manage Cookies And Local Storage Preferences: A Customer has the option of accepting or declining cookies. Most modern browsers allow a Customer to see the details and types of cookies he/she has on his device and also manage his preferences by using the cookie settings. These cookie settings can be found in the “option” or “preference” menu of the browser. The “help” functionality in a browser can also be used to search for this information. Modern browsers allow a Customer to delete the data in local storage (also referred to as "website data", "browsing data" or "other data" in some browsers) by using the privacy settings associated with that browser. Also, most browsers now offer the option to accept, prompt for or block the storage of local data


Except for essential cookies, all cookies will expire after a maximum period of 2 (two) years. 4. CHANGES TO COOKIE POLICY Cliqbox may from time to time, change or update this Cookie Policy. All changes to this cookie policy shall be published on the Website and each alteration will become effective upon publication. We recommend that Customers revisit and read our Cookie Policy regularly to ensure that they are conversant with the current policy